Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jacob Rakovan Reading and Q&A

Jacob Rakovan Reading and Q&A

Date(s): 02/22/2012 - 02/22/2012
Times: 7-9
Location: Writers And Books 40 University Ave
Contact: Writers And Books
Phone: 585232590
Admission: FREE

Jacob Rakovan Reading and Q&A. Jacob Rakovan is an Appalachian author. His work has appeared in numerous print and online journals including The James Dickey Review, Thrush, Matchbook and Anon. He has appeared in anthologies by Ireland's Salmon Poetry press and The Arsenic Lobster. He will be reading from works in progress and will have a limited edition chapbook on hand. Jacob Rakovan is a 2011 Artist Fellowship recipient of the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA). This presentation is co‐sponsored by Artists & Audiences Exchange, a NYFA public program,funded with leadership support from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA).